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What happens when your medical diagnosis impacts your ability to work? For a member diagnosed with cancer, it required minimal effort. Her health advocate at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas was able to coordinate both her health care benefits and her short-term disability. It’s all thanks to the insurer’s new integration capabilities.
KRISTIE GILLILAND: My role at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas as a Senior Manager of Clinical Operations within Health Advocacy Solutions, Health Advocacy Solutions is a product in which we have our customer service partners and our clinical health advocates working side by side in pods and collaborating to help support our members on their journey and be with them from the beginning to the end in sickness and in health, because that's what we're here to do for our members and Health Advocacy Solutions is great because we are able to immediately tap someone on the shoulder and say, Hey, I need help with this. And we can get it done in a lot faster time, usually for our members. So we had the opportunity through our Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas disability integration and Health Advocacy Solutions Health Advocacy Solutions to identify a member who needed help with their short-term disability. And on top of that, they also had just newly been diagnosed with breast cancer. And we were able to connect them with a clinical health advocate to make sure that they had everything they needed. Moving forward. When our clinical health advocates are working with our members, they even have to take into consideration all of the pieces of what COVID 19 has brought into the healthcare industry and how it is impacting our members and what they can do to help support them through that. My favorite part of serving our members is just when we get them to that moment where they can say, thank you, you took that off of my plate. We get so many compliments about how people didn't even know what we could do for them. And so once we do get in touch with them and we can help them, and sometimes we help them get rid of a medication that they've been on for years because they've improved their health so much, or we just help them figure out what benefits they have and to help them get those things when they need it. So they can better manage their health.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2024 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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