Why is Suprep not covered as part of the Preventive Colonscopy Benefit?

According to the BCBS TX "Preventive Colonoscopy Claims Frequently Asked Questions' fact sheet, "a service that is directly related to a screening colonoscopy is considered to be part of the screening colonoscopy".  Why wouldn't the bowel preparation medication taken a day before the colonoscopy be covered at no cost under the no-cost prescription drugs for preventive care provision of the Affordable Care Act?  (CVS/caremark has info on the web stating that it is covered as preventive according to the ACA)  As far as I know, you can't get a colonoscopy without taking a bowel prep the day before the procedure. Why would BCBS say that a preventive colonoscopy is a no cost preventive service when in fact BC won't pay for the bowel prep medication, thus not making it a no cost preventive service.  If that is your intention then don't represent this as a no cost service when performed as a preventive service.  I think you should clearly state that there may be costs associated with this specific preventive service.  Very misleading on your part.  Also, the initial office consultation with the Dr. performing the colonoscopy is a controversial extra charge too.