I'm a diabetic with Type 2 Diabetes and my doctor wants me to be checking my glucose daily because I need to get my A1C down. She knows I hate needles so I don't monitor my sugars. She suggested to me to get a Dexcom G6 or G7 CGM system. A while ago I checked with BCBSTX and they don't cover this. There are alot of people at my work that are having the same problem as me. How do we go about getting the CGM system covered on our policy? It would help a great deal of people out there with Type 2 Diabetes and I know I could lower my A1C and it would save alot of us alot of doctors visits and I could get my health under control and save Blue Cross alot of money. Please get back to me regarding this and if there is anything you can do to help us. Thank you in advance.