I found this website that says they're affiliated with BCBSTX but no one would confirm if they were truly affiliated as advertised (link here: https://pumpingessentials.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvqeUBhCBARIsAOdt45bJc8xFOMwrxNUTM-igoG4deKJag6wJa70o4iSgIcTnabGqzhY7mEMaAtegEALw_wcB).
I haven't quite decided on wired vs unwired based on research. Coverage only allows for one. I am wondering if any of the following are covered:
Spectra S1 or S2
Amedya Mya Joy
Elvie Stride
Madela PSI
Thoughts? Experience? Thank you very much!!