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For today’s busy kids, one hour may seem like a lot of time. Dark evenings and cold winter temps can also discourage kids from being active. Still, the benefits make overcoming these challenges well worth it.
Research shows that kids who are active and fit tend to have higher grade point averages, better classroom behavior and sharper thinking skills.
Parents play a key role in helping kids stay active. When kids have the support of their families, they are more likely to be active.
Kids are more likely to be physically active if it involves doing something they enjoy. Talk with them to see if they are interested in any of these options:
If your children don’t have a 60-minute block of time for exercise each day, don’t worry. They don’t have to do it all at once. Try these ideas to sneak smaller bits of physical activity into your their days:
You don’t need to let busy school days and cold weather keep your family from being active. With a little creativity, you’ll find plenty of ways to stay fit this season.
Originally published 1/25/2016; Revised 2021, 2023, 2025
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