Helping Kids Stay Active and Healthy During Winter

Helping Kids Stay Active and Healthy During Winter
2 minute read time

Don’t put a freeze on family fun this winter. All kids need physical activity to stay healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says young people ages 6 to 17 need 60 minutes of activity daily.

For today’s busy kids, one hour may seem like a lot of time. Dark evenings and cold winter temps can also discourage kids from being active. Still, the benefits make overcoming these challenges well worth it.

Research shows that kids who are active and fit tend to have higher grade point averages, better classroom behavior and sharper thinking skills.

Parents play a key role in helping kids stay active. When kids have the support of their families, they are more likely to be active.

Want to Know How You Can Inspire Them? 
  • Schedule an activity for a family fun day over the weekend.
  • Play a game of pickup football in the back yard. 
  • Gather the family for an after-dinner walk around the neighborhood.
  • Start a family competition. See who can be the first person to reach a physical activity goal, such as exercising five days a week.
  • Sign up as a family for a charity walk or run. Train together for the event. 
  • Go ice skating or roller skating together.
Make Activity Fun

Kids are more likely to be physically active if it involves doing something they enjoy. Talk with them to see if they are interested in any of these options:

  • Join a sports team. If your child doesn’t like team sports, suggest individual sports that they can do indoors, like swimming at an indoor pool.
  • Enroll in classes to learn a new skill. Gymnastics, swimming, figure skating or martial arts lessons are some indoor options. Older kids may want to take skiing or snowboarding lessons.
Build Activity into the Day

If your children don’t have a 60-minute block of time for exercise each day, don’t worry. They don’t have to do it all at once. Try these ideas to sneak smaller bits of physical activity into your their days:

  • If you live close enough, walk your kids to school instead of driving. Consider allowing older children to walk to school.
  • Assign your children active chores, such as sweeping or raking leaves.
  • When running errands with your kids, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Encourage them to do the same thing when they’re on their own.

You don’t need to let busy school days and cold weather keep your family from being active. With a little creativity, you’ll find plenty of ways to stay fit this season.

Sources: High Cholesterol in Children and Teens, leaving site icon MedlinePlus, National Institutes of Health, 2024; High Blood Pressure in Children, leaving site icon Mayo Clinic, 2021; How Physical Activity Affects School Performance, leaving site icon Literacy Planet, 2021; What You Can Do to Meet Physical Activity Recommendations, leaving site icon CDC, 2024

Originally published 1/25/2016; Revised 2021, 2023, 2025