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Although medications can be expensive, there are ways to save some money on them. Be sure to stay up to date with Vanessa, while Robert explains the ins and outs on saving money on prescriptions.
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Originally published 12/11/2020; Video revised 6/2023
VANESSA: Hi, I'm Vanessa, and I'm meeting with a Blue Cross Blue Shield advocate to find out, how I can save money on prescription drugs? I take a few prescription medicines and I'd like to save some money. Can you help me understand what effects the amount I pay for my medicine?
BCBS ADVOCATE: That's a good question. The first thing that effects what you pay is the type of health plan you have. Some plans have copays for prescriptions drugs those are flat amounts like $30, $50 or $75. Other plans have an amount that you pay toward health care costs before the plan benefits kick in. That amount is your deductible. On these types of plans after you pay your deductible you will usually split or share the cost of your drugs with your plan. Your portion is called coinsurance.
VANESSA: I'm pretty sure I have a copay, but I don't think it is always the same. Why would I have different copays?
BCBS ADVOCATE: There could be a few reasons for that. One is your plans prescription drug list. That is a list of drugs covered in your plan that is split into groups called tiers. Each tier may have a different cost
VANESSA: So some medicine costs less than others.
BCBS ADVOCATE: Yes. Let's say your doctor prescribes a brand name drug and there is a generic version available. You could talk to your doctor to see if the generic would work for you. Generic drugs often cost less, so that is one way you could save money. Another way to save is to ask your doctor to prescribe drugs on your list if possible. Drugs not on your list may not be covered so they could cost more.
VANESSA: Does it matter where I get my prescriptions filled?
BCBS ADVOCATE: It could. When you choose a pharmacy in your network your medicine usually costs less than if you go out of network. You plan may also have a select group of pharmacies you can use to help you save even more when you use a pharmacy in this network.
VANESSA: I'll look into that.
BCBS ADVOCATE: Just go to the prescription drug section in your Blue Access for Members account or log into You can see what drugs are covered in your plan, your copay, or coinsurance for prescriptions, your pharmacy network information and more. If you have more questions, you can call the pharmacy number on the back of your Blue Cross and Blue Shield ID card
VANESSA: I've learned so much today. Thanks for helping me understand how I can save on my prescriptions.
BCBS ADVOCATE: I'm glad I can help
SPEAKER: Log into your Blue Access for Members account or visit the members services tab on our website at
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