New Member

Congratulations on purchasing your new health insurance plan. If you’re wondering when you can start using your plan or when you can expect your member ID card, read on. We’ve got answers to questions that may be swirling around in your head right now.

Q. Has my coverage started? Can I use my health plan?
A. Your very first premium payment will activate your coverage. You can begin using your health plan within one to two days after that – depending on the way you choose to pay your premium.

After you've made your first payment, your coverage is activated.

There is a brief period of time known as the “coverage gap.” This is the period between your requested effective date and the date of your first payment. Health care expenses charged during the coverage gap can be applied to your deductible. You may even be reimbursed for some health care services.

Q. I need to get a prescription filled, but don't have my ID card yet. What can I do?
A. You should receive a new member welcome letter a few days after completing your enrollment. Your member identification and group number are listed on the welcome letter. Your pharmacy can use them to verify your benefits. Remember, you need to pay your first premium before you can start using your benefits. Using the same information from your welcome letter, you can also register for Blue Access for MembersSM (BAM) and print a temporary ID card to use until your regular member ID arrives in the mail. You can also download the BCBSTX app to place your ID card in your Passbook.

Q. I applied for a plan on the Health Insurance Marketplace, but haven't heard if my application has been received and accepted. Did my coverage start on the effective date I requested?
A. We receive new applications from the Marketplace every day. It takes a few days for the Marketplace to complete their processing and send the application to us. Once we receive it, it takes about five to 10 business days for us to process your enrollment.

If you just applied recently, we encourage you to wait a few days to see if you receive your membership information. If you applied weeks ago and haven’t received anything from us, your application may need additional information.

If you applied on the Health Insurance Marketplace or with us online and haven’t received information from us after a few weeks, call our Customer Service Center at 1-888-731-0383. We can look up the status of your application.

Q. When will I get my member ID cards, and how many will I get?
A. You should get your member ID cards in the mail soon after your application is approved. Individual and family PPO members will receive no more than two membership ID cards. Please note that all member ID cards will just list the subscriber’s name, but the cards can be used by all of the dependents enrolled under the policy. HMO Individual and family plans will get a card for each member enrolled.

You can print a temporary ID card and request additional cards through your Blue Access for Members (BAM) account. You’ll need your member identification number and group number to register for BAM. These numbers can be found on the new member welcome letter you should receive within days of enrolling.

Q. I received my ID cards in the mail, but they only have my name on them and not my spouse's. Can I get another ID card with their name on it?
A. No need! Your member ID cards only list the primary subscriber's name, but they can be used by all of the dependents (in this case your spouse) enrolled under your policy.

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