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Even if you are fit and healthy, it’s always a good idea to have a health plan. It gives you access to care in case you are hurt or catch the flu, strep throat, mono or other nasty bugs that tend to make their way around campus.
Getting insurance and learning how to use it while you are away at school doesn’t have to be hard.
Finding a network doctor near school: If your school is far from home you’ll want to make sure there are doctors, hospitals and other health care providers in your plan’s network near campus. You can find in-network providers with Provider Finder®.
To access Provider Finder:
You won’t have to select your network or plan — it will automatically be displayed. All you have to do is enter the right ZIP code and start your search.
Use your benefits out of your service area: If your school is not in Texas (also known as your plan’s service area), you may still be able to use your benefits.
BlueCard® Program
Traveling across the country or around the world? The BlueCard Program* helps Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas members:
BlueCard coverage varies for each BCBS plan. It depends on if you choose a provider who contracts with BCBS. Call Customer Service at the number listed on your member ID card.
Away From Home Care
If you have a BCBSTX HMO plan, ask to become a guest of another Blue HMO participating in your school’s area. You will still be able to use your benefits when you visit providers in this HMO’s network.
This program is only available to BCBSTX members who are away from home for at least 90 days. To find out if this program is available in your school’s area, call the Customer Service number on your member ID card. Be sure to bring your member ID card wherever you go.
Still unsure about your insurance options? We can help! Send us your questions in a private message.
Originally published 11/11/2015; Revised 2020, 2022, 2024
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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