Improve Your Health With Community

Improve Your Health With Community
3 minute read time

The meaning of well-being has grown in recent years. Today, it’s more holistic. It embraces many facets of our lives. Employers have followed suit. They’re expanding their offerings to enrich more parts of employees’ lives. Community well-being is one areas of focus.

Community well-being centers on your feelings about where you live. Do you like your community? Do you feel safe there? Does it inspire pride?

Experts say there are three aspects of community well-being. It turns out environment, volunteerism and connectedness are key.

Let’s consider the importance of each.


Well-being always starts with necessities. It’s no different for community well-being. Do you have access to clean air and water? Do you feel safe walking in your neighborhood? If these basic needs aren’t met, it can cause stress. Stress has a negative effect on health and well-being.

Programs and structures can help support your community environment. Some of these include:

  • Sidewalks, bike lanes and nature trails
  • Parks and playgrounds
  • Public transit
  • Museums
  • Education
  • Social gathering places
  • Acceptance and respect of all the people who are part of the community regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, religion or heritage

Winston Churchill once noted, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Chalk it up to his way of saying “giving” enriches our lives. Giving is an activity that benefits both the recipient and the giver.

Volunteering your time can affect your physical and emotional well-being in lots of ways. Want to boost your self-esteem? Lower your stress or blood pressure? Volunteer.

People who give to their community’s well-being often say their greatest accomplishment is the difference their efforts made in a person’s life, organization or community. Helping others can produce deeper connections with your community. It also fosters a greater sense of belonging, purpose and social contact.

It’s Easy to Get Started

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas has an employee volunteer program. The program connects volunteers with opportunities to give back.

Wondering about the best way to become more involved? For starters, find something you’re passionate about. It can be anything from a national organization to your local food kitchen or hospital. Volunteering is no different than most parts of our lives.  If we like it or feel good doing it, we will most likely continue.

Follow These Simple Steps

  1. Find an activity (biking, running, walking, building, reading, etc.) or organization (American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen, etc.) that interests you.
  2. Do some research. Most non-profits have information about volunteer opportunities and a contact person listed on their website.
  3. Say yes and get involved.
Think About Your Social Connections

How connected are you with your community? These questions can help you gauge your connectedness.

  1. Are you involved with local groups or boards?
  2. Do you talk to your neighbors or at least know their names?
  3. Do you participate in local events?

If you answered “no” to any or all these questions, start thinking about ways to turn your answer into “yes.” Identify and contribute to an area that matches your interests and strengths.

You might like to walk dogs at your local Humane Society. Maybe you want to join your community watch group. Think about bringing food to a homeless shelter. They’re all great ways to help nurture community well-being.  No step is too small when it comes to making a difference.

Read more about the other core elements of well-being — careersocialfinancial and physical.

Sources: Giving and Your Community Well-being, leaving site icon Gallup; How to Volunteer: 13 Steps to Start Volunteering in Your Community, leaving site icon Indeed, 2024

Originally published 9/29/2016; Revised 2022, 2024

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