Survey Says: We Want to Hear from You

Survey Says: We Want to Hear from You

As a Medicare Advantage member, we may ask you to participate in the Health Outcomes Survey (HOS).

Your survey answers help us better understand and address your health needs.

Participants must be enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan or a Prescription Drug plan for at least six months. If you choose to take part in the survey, you’ll get a pre-notification letter. The survey will be mailed to you a week later. You may also receive a second survey if you don’t complete the first one. 

The survey is conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) each year to gather information about your care. Members are selected at random to participate. Those chosen will receive a follow-up survey two years later.

The survey covers topics regarding many aspects of your physical and mental health, including:

1. Physical health
Physical health isn’t limited to health conditions you may or may not have. It also looks at the ways you manage pain, how easily you can perform daily activities, and how well you’re able to move. Talk to your doctor about these topics, along with any others that affect your health. By doing so, you take an active role in improving your health.

2. Mental health
Often your emotional state can impact your physical health. It’s important to tell your doctor about any changes in your mood, energy level and sleeping patterns. They could be signs of a condition that needs attention. They should be discussed during every visit with your care provider — the same way you talk about your blood pressure.

3. Physical activity
Physical activity is a vital part of good health. It can help improve your mobility and balance, reduce your risk for falls and help control your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Ask your doctor what types of activities are best for you given your health. Along with solo activities, you can also connect with community fitness groups like your local YMCA or Silver Sneakers.

4. Bladder control
As we grow older, the loss of bladder control and urine leaks can become an issue. Today, there are so many good treatments, including minimally invasive and in-office options. Don’t be embarrassed, talk with your doctor. Share when you first noticed the problem, along with any changes in appearance or volume of your urine. Remember, you don’t have to live with leaks. Help is available.

5. Fall risk
Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the ER for a fall.* When you get a fall risk assessment, you take a big step toward avoiding the ER. By taking a careful look around and making a few small changes, you can help ensure your home is a fall-free zone. To start:

  • Place items you use all the time in easy reach
  • Add handrails to all stairs
  • Clean up spills right away
  • Keep things picked up off the floor
  • Use grab bars by the toilet and in the shower
  • Switch on nightlights when its dark

There are other proactive ways you can reduce your risk for falls.

  • Review all your medications with your doctor
  • Have your vision and hearing tested
  • Wear proper footwear
  • Use a cane or walker, if needed
  • Move your body each day
  • Try activities like Tai Chi and yoga to improve balance and strength
  • Ask your doctor if you could benefit from physical therapy

If you receive the mail-in survey, please complete it. We value what you have to say.

*6 Steps to Help Prevent Falls in Older Adults, leaving site icon National Council on Aging, 2023.
Important Plan Information Y0096_WEBCONNECTHOS23_C

Originally published 4/23/2019; Revised 2021, 2023

  • I was a BCBS member in Michigan for around 30 years and very satisfied. When I had to switch to a Texas plan I was biased toward BCBS and made that choice. The information you provided when I was comparing plans said the CVS was the preferred provided and the CVS mail order service was the preferred 90-day source. So I prepared for easy transition ahead of time by establishing accounts and transferring prescriptions to CVS, informing all our doctors of the change and such. Of course once i was enrolled and having trouble with CVS I learned that all your information was wrong. Walgreens and Alliance Walgreens are the preferred providers. I then spent several weeks changing everything. You could not have made it any more of a mess. I can not understand how in December you were informing me the that it would be CVS in your published information and then January 1, whoops, just kidding' it is going to be CVS. Service is good from Alliance. Not as good as Express Scripts. Local Walgreens is marginal. That is why I was so happy that it was going to be CVS. Had I known your literature was wrong, I probably would have chosen  a different company to have CVS and avoid Walgreens.

  • Hello, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a frustrating experience. If you could send us a private message, I'd be happy to have someone look into these issues for you. ~ Heather

  • I am new, and still trying to understand things, the Rx seems confusing as far as my statements, I'm not sure where I stand.  Had a past due notice for a premium, I told whoever the rude lady was where I sent it, she told me it was the wrong place, but made no attempt to help me whatsoever.  This is not the same Blue Cross Blue Shield I have been using since the 1980's...those people were happy to help.  Oh Lordy, haven't seen a statement for Dr. yet...I only have one in town, so he better be in the network.