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Whether you have health coverage through an employer or an individually purchased plan, you have options for coverage when you’re traveling outside the U.S.
If you have a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas plan through your job, you may have Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core. Log in to your Blue Access for MembersSM account or talk to your benefits administrator to find out if you have Global Core.
Global Core allows you to use your medical coverage outside the U.S. Note that providers outside the U.S. may not be set up to handle copays and deductibles at the time of service. You may have to pay full costs up front and submit a claim when you return to the U.S. Also, your plan may not cover all costs for care you receive outside the U.S., such as medical evacuation.
Whether or not your plan offers Global Core, GeoBlue® travel medical plans may be an option for you. These plans cover illnesses, injuries and medical emergencies abroad for people up to age 95, even if they aren’t a member of a BCBSTX plan.
No matter where you go, be sure to carry your member ID card.
Whatever kind of vacation you like, there’s one thing that makes it go better — planning. A good first step as you plan your trip is to make sure you have everything you need to stay safe and healthy. No one wants sickness or injury to be part of your trip. But it’s best to be prepared.
Originally published 7/28/2015; Revised 2017, 2021, 2023, 2024
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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