Warm Sorghum Breakfast Bowl, Greek Yogurt, Honey, & Berries

Ingredients: Makes 1 serving

warm sorghum breakfast bowl

3/4 cup Sorghum, cooked
1/2 cup Whole Milk
2 tsp Honey
1/8 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
1/4 cup Blackberries
1/4 cup Raspberries
1/4 cup Fresh Blueberries
1/4 cup Fat Free Greek Yogurt


  1. In a pot, combine sorghum, whole milk, honey, and vanilla extract. Simmer on low to medium heat for 10 minutes.
  2. When finished cooking, top sorghum mixture with blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and yogurt.

Serving Size: 
1 bowl

Nutritional Information:
Calories 390, 7 g total fat, 2.5 g sat fat, 0 g trans fat, 85 mg sodium, 73 g carbohydrate, 9 g fiber, 17 g protein, 28 g sugar 

Recipe Source:
Recipe provided by FLIK Hospitality Group leaving site icon